Applying for soft skills

When we were 5 years-old someone taught us to say thank you

When we were 12 we earned our first five bill, banked it, and spent it wisely on bubble gum and baseball cards.

High school scored our first dates, juggling jobs with studies, while college stretched us to manage time and build relationships.

Years ago, life's hard lessons taught us the skills they call soft.  Often with today's generation, we expect to learn these skills through a textbook lesson.

Berkely University offers a college course on soft skills called "Adulting", helping today's college students manage time, physical resources, and nurture relationships.

There is an alternative application.  Like the time you served cold french fries or served the wrong beer, you can learn soft skills differently, and fast. Don't worry, you won't be fully prepared, no one is. The job will be filled with mistakes and life lessons created for you.  After each one... your soft skills improve.

Just go out and apply.

Better yet, doing it now instead of waiting for the best time, improving your soft skills are a great reward.  It worked for yesterdays generation.

Apply for that job now, it may take you further than a college course.


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