Genie in the bottle

The Genie in the bottle is out.  

She broke the bottle and released a flood of ideas (and problems, disruptions) to the market.  These cells of disruption had been cooped up and percolating in a bottle of perceived limitations.

We don’t have to look further than our “What if” thoughts of the past to see where they came from.

Humanly speaking, we have a large appetite for curiousness.  It makes sense then that we spend a lifetime to explore, think, write down, and sometimes (or not) take action on “what if” ideas.  Ideas morph daily for most of us, some ideas are repeated, some ideas are just fleeting thoughts that escape our memory grasp simply by never writing them down.

Like your brand, a bottle of “what if” ideas are precious and unique, like the millions of cells in our body.  If written and stored, they are forever preserved for the moment to release them, at which point (like most cells) will multiply and divide.  

Ready or not, that moment just happened.

The Genie in the bottle is out, our air is now filled with millions of “what if” ideas.

For most of us, Genie was released before we wanted, with no turning back. 

She is out, growing exponentially, never to fit back in the bottle of perceived limitations. Years of "what if" algorithms on paper are now being tested and measured, leading to meaningful change in our daily behaviors and businesses.

Perfect proof there is no perfect time in starting something new. Sometimes it’s just time to act on the what if.

Some businesses are making hand sanitizer instead of vodka.  A few plastic makers are making protective plexiglass for retail stores, while healthcare introduced tele-health in a hurry.  Masks makers still make masks, but faster, and linen napkin makers are making scarves to protect our breathing.  Some of our co-workers are working from home, or not working at all.  Group meetings at a central sight are replaced by digital and video meetings with less costs. 

We rarely have control of the big issues, eventually the Genie comes out. 

What we can control is the “What if” ideas.  Writing them down for when the moment strikes, even if it doesn’t feel ready, then releasing them at the most imperfect time.   

Genie released hand sanitizers to vodka makers, what opportunities will she release for you?


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