The 16% rule
We are all in denial.
The business we had yesterday is gone, replaced by a ground zero formula that only you and I can start to define.
Where do you start a formula to connect and market to customers that need your services once again?
Let's look at the 5 stages of technology adoption.
From a simple marketing perspective, if 84% of our promotions are aimed to go to the mass that takes sometimes 7 times to hear our message (Marketing rule of 7), then lets work with the 16% of the customers that know us already, talk about us often, and are sometimes closer to us then our own family.
Go to early adopters and innovators, the business family that heard about you once and committed, remain loyal and talk proudly about you.
Who is your business family?
- The 3x+ repeat customers
- The first responders to a new marketing message
- The referral sources you have their personal phone number
- The business to business networks that support your business and you support their business
- The proud family members at home
- The fitness members that come to your Physical Therapy center
- The community influencers like the Chamber presidents, Board Directors, and business owners
Some say they are the raving customers, the early adopters of our services.
You may remember your first patient or your first referral after that first doctor visit and handshake.
The 16% rule, go there.