The perfect year

You may have thought it was the perfect year. 

Starting in February, on that day, just after 2:02 a.m on 02/02/2020, the month and year a rare palindrome.  The last time this occurred was 909 years ago, on 11/11/1111.  It’s also likely the only year you are alive where the first two digits match the last two, like 1919, or in 101 years for 2121.

Heck, it was an entry into a new decade, something most of us only get to experience 5 to 10 times in our lives, if we are lucky.  Let's not forget it’s a leap year, coming around every 4 years, some say it’s a lucky year because we get an extra day. Leaplings born on this day may disagree.

In business, if the month ends at the end of a week, it seems ideal, at least for accountants and bookkeepers, and for leaders keeping score.  If a holiday falls on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or even Monday, it is less disruption.  The Perfect year was looking like this. 

·       Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day
·       Friday, Valentines day 
·       Monday is Presidents day
·       Saturday is Independence day 
·       Monday is Labor Day (as always) 
·       Monday is Columbus day
·       Saturday is Halloween 
·       Friday is the Christmas Holiday
·       Friday is Year's Day 2021

Some say the perfect year continues, despite the virus.

No one in our generation has ever worked to provide solutions in a society asked to "shelter in place" for months.  History tells us great things come from exploring solutions and the possibilities, seemingly beginning with the question of "what if".  What if we never had to go work in the office again?  What if we all went into driverless cars now, sitting 6 feet apart, front-facing and rear-facing?  What if Costco only lets 50 customers in at a time, or if the supermarkets permanently marked the floors with arrows?  

Coronavirus disrupted us, turned us upside down, and has challenged us to go deep.  Because it that, It’s may still be the perfect year.

We will make corona leaps to improve, face our fears and expand our mindsets.  

Working in a service industry will be forever different, tossing out customer communications with customer connections.  Products will be designed to keep distancing in elevators and temperature readers may be in sporting events. 2020 will be a year of great inventions, creations, and ideas that blossomed from "what if". 

What if this is still the perfect year?


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