Stare down fear

Impulsive, fear, anxiety, aggression, and anger.

All part of the Amygdala Hijack. Creates a fight or flight, or reset or start over in our mindset in either case.


Pushing the reset button can be difficult.  A partial list of reasons (excuses?) include

  • Too much time
  • Too expensive
  • Beyond capabilities
  • The unknown consequences

Yet, starting over can bring so many rewards, to name a few:

  • More efficiencies
  • Fewer costs
  • Improved connections with customers
  • Removing fixed ideas

Scanning threats quickly followed by a fight or flight reaction is a negative effect of our amygdala, creating fear from overstated threats, clouding our judgment.

Slow down and feed your cortex with more reliable data, and soon you stare down fear to see opportunities that others simply do not see.

Robert Babb, PT, MBA. Thinker. Leader. Speaker. Helping to raise the lids of organizations and thought leaders to higher levels


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