Time, money, and grit

A smart guy at Temple University, who, when asked for my goals, and realizing I may not reach them with the current trajectory, told me to spend more time (and money) on classes and "simply work harder", despite your roadblocks.  

As a full-time active duty United States Navy Hospital Corpsman, paying for three classes that semester and stretching my time with a side business and work at a health club, I thought I was smart enough to know there was no more candle to burn on both ends.  

That same guy with more experiences in life seemed to know something unknown to me.  It turns out he taught me more than just how to achieve my goals, instead a life lesson on grit. Navigating a full- time military career with a full evening and weekend class load added meaning to every one of the 1440 minutes in my day, slowly giving me an unstoppable feeling.

Orthopedic students and residents (as I would suspect Physical Therapist as well), have a high level of grit and self-control.  Not shocking news but better yet, grit seems to build over time. 

Time and money with excuses are wasted resources, but when used effectively, turn to the secret sauces we need to navigate through tough challenges.

Today's challenges are reminders there will be some good coming out of a virus.  


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